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Edited Image 2016-02-17 04-07-03

Billy Regan


Head Coach)

At the age of 12 I was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes, my confidence took a hit and I found myself thinking whether I would be able to still play sports and do whatever my friends were doing without any hassle or worry. I soon realised that it can be managed through good nutrition and exercise and to this day I can say it hasn’t stopped me from doing anything.


It was from there I began a healthy way of living through proper nutrition and then partnered with weight training in my late teenage years. I was able to see the true benefits of a healthy lifestyle and just how drastically it can change your life.


I am constantly keeping myself updated with new training techniques and nutrition.


No matter what your dreams, I can take you there ! You just have to take the first step !



Established in 2013,


Based in Robina


Specializing in Over 30's Personal Training.

Proven Long-Term Results in Strength, Pain Management and Mobility.




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