Pete and Sue S,
(82 and 66)
My wife and I are in our sixties and eighties. Billy Regan at Physiqueology is our Personal Fitness Trainer. We do two, one hour workouts each week, to develop and maintain upper and lower body strength, and with an emphasis on core strength and cardio fitness.
We have found the program challenging, achievable and beneficial.
For me, improved core strength has reduced/eliminated lower back/sciatic pain problems. Also, leg strengthening has promoted my rehabilitation from a total knee replacement.
I recommend Physiqueology to older persons with a desire to improve and maintain their strength and fitness.

Ray C, 72
I would like to recommend Jared and Billy Regan of Physiqueology, Burleigh Heads. I have had the opportunity and pleasure to work out at their personal training studio.
I presented some unique challenges to them. First, I am nearly seventy years old. I have all the associated aches and pains, arthritic knees, two prior heart attacks, nerve damage, and accumulated fat from decades of occupational abuse by poor fast food diet, eaten on the run, constantly changing shift work, long periods of inactivity, sitting at a desk or in a car. I had been a high caliber athlete through my university days, and through beyond ridiculously rigorous military training. I thought I could coast the rest of my life on that fitness. Wrong! As life and occupations intruded, I slowly allowed myself to become a physical wreck and the future was not looking good. I retired seven years ago and had given a half-hearted effort to working out several times, with only little success.
I live in the US and visit my son in Burleigh annually. When I came back to Burleigh for my latest extended visit, I determined that now was the time I was going to get serious about my health. I looked around the area and mostly what I found were the gyms that catered to the steroid/spandex/don’t I look good posing in the mirror crowd. Well, having never even contemplated using steroids, knowing how ridiculous I would look in spandex, much less posing in the mirrors, I searched out what I consider to be a real gym that is serious about helping their clients improve themselves.
I found brothers Jared and Billy Regan and Physiqueology. I came in, introduced myself, told them a bit of my history, about various medical issues I had, they quickly came up with a plan for me. I think a lot of people’s good intentions to get fit fail because the programs are boring and they aren’t sufficiently committed. My weekly program involved boxing, kettle bells, heavier weights, and two sessions on the stationery bikes. No time to get bored. Over the next four months, Jared and Billy guided and encouraged my efforts at every turn. I was never bored and my determination to push myself increased as I began to see the kilos start to drop off. My nerve damage became manageable. My knees did limit many of the exercises I could do so we devised alternative exercises that were just as helpful. Even my knees felt better and allowed me to do more. My cardio strength has improved tremendously. Basically I feel great! I also have to give a big thanks to my male and female work out partners. I appreciated their encouragement and friendship as we all worked through our programs. We all sweated together and had a great time while we did it. In the process I lost nearly 12 kilos.
What I gained are a few new friends and the determination to continue a daily training program wherever I am, until I can return to Physiqueology at Burleigh, next year.

Sally B, 56
Physiqueology Fitness Studio has been my gym for a number of years. When Billy and Jared Regan stepped in in September 2013, many members were wary and wondered what these two young men from country NSW would do to their gym. Our concerns were soon quashed as they brought a new lease and energy that achieved some fantastic results for us all. Both have a tremendous enthusiasm that rubs off and makes you smile as you cringe through some of their punishments. Yes, they can and do make you work hard; but they also work to your limits and will take into consideration any injuries or concerns you have if you are not comfortable within an exercise. This enables you to continue without quitting and reap the benefit of reaching your maximum potential no matter what your level of fitness.
Billy and Jared have also inspired my son to begin working out at the gym. They have the ability to make a 16 year old get out of bed for a 6.00 a.m. PT session - that's a definite tick for them. They are teaching him correct form and work around his kyphosis by giving him exercises that will help strengthen his back without causing further degeneration. They are both fantastic role models for him and I know that my son loves their company, as well as the company of all that train at the studio.
Physiqueology's group sessions are always fun and challenging and with the range on offer there is something for everyone. Their personal training sessions bring that added edge to your own goals and I know that I will be continuing with Physiqueology indefinitely. Thanks Billy and Jared!
Shane H,
I started training with Jared from Physiqueology in June 2014. As a Triathlete I have never had an issue doing cardio work, but always struggled finding the time and motivation to do strength and resistance training.
Since training with Jared I have incorporated a weekly strength session with him into my program, and he has also guided me on what to do when I do my own solo strength sessions.
I have found the PT session with Jared has complimented my triathlon races. I have become faster and stronger across all 3 disciplines of the sport and have become much leaner and defined. The PT sessions are hard and they push my limits, but they are also enjoyable and are a contrast to the other training I do.

Debbie M,
After decades in local Gold Coast Gyms and being treated as just a "number" to them.
I found Physiqueology Fitness Studio in Burleigh and it was just what I was looking for.
Billy and Jared have designed small personal classes which help me plan my weekly exercise timetable that I can build around my busy schedule. Whether it is an ealy morning start or a class after work, it is always a happy environment that I love walking into.
Even in group classes, the boys are aware of each person's potential and strive to push me to increase strength, cardio and conditioning.
The boys have created such an inviting and welcoming atmosphere, with everyone so friendly and happy, its like training with your family.
Claire J,
I have trained with Billy and Jared at Physiqueology for the past two years and the results I have achieved since training with them has been incredible. I have never felt stronger, fitter or more energetic.
It is an extremely friendly and comfortable environment. Every group workout and PT session is challenging, creative, offers plenty of variety and most importantly are FUN which gives me the motivation I need.
Both Billy and Jared are encouraging, supportive, caring and extremely knowledgeable. I can honestly say I love going to Physiqueology and look forward to every session.
Pete D,
I wanted to be fit and strong enough to work hard all day, lift heavy timber around by myself and be able to do any physical sporting activity I chose, without my body letting me down. I didn't ask his advice on what to eat or how much alcohol to drink. Jared knows how to hold his own counsel and get the job done. I'm 55 and I am fit and strong. Thanks Jared.